Sunday Rewind: Who am I?

Fill in this blank:  I am ______________.  How do you identify yourself?  I might write “Matt” or “a pastor” or “married” or “male.”   You get the idea.  There are a million billion ways we could answer the simple question “Who am I?”  Yet have you ever considered how profound the question truly is?  How I answer this simple question ultimately defines me as a person and influences my every thought and action.  For instance, I am “married to Kerri.”  Well, that should limit my thoughts and actions towards every other woman…and I can hear my wife lovingly say, “it better!”  I am “male.”  Well, that’s a hot button issue for our culture.  Does or should “male” influence my thoughts and actions? I am “a[…]

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Sunday Rewind: What Now?

My daughter loves gymnastics and dance.  She must get that from her mother!  We were so excited to take her to her first gymnastics lesson last year.  She was a little clumsy and stubborn (she probably gets that from her dad), but she did great.  She learned better body control and it was great exercise.  A little disappointed, we decided not to enroll her this year.  Time and money were too tight. Can I confess that removing her from gymnastics gave me a lot of guilt?  I feel like a bad parent.  She got over it quickly…heck, I don’t think she quite knows what she is missing.  In the end, we decided that our priority needed to be less activity and more family time.  We[…]

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