Sunday Rewind for May 21: Elisha Part 3

  Elisha, Part 3 What do we do when we have nothing left?  Empty and out of hope.  Exhausted and low on faith.  Tapped and out of money and resources.  What is our next step when we don’t know if we have another step in us? I could not get my car to start.  Stranded at night a few miles from home, I didn’t know what to do.  Over and over I turned the key and cranked the engine.  The engine would sputter and chug for a second, as if to tease me, only to stall out and quit.  A quick call to a mechanic friend helped me diagnose the problem.  Though there was plenty of gas in the tank, somehow the fuel failed to[…]

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Sunday Rewind for May 14: Elisha, Part 2

  Elisha, Part 2 Does it work?  We ask this question all the time.  Will this new diet or exercise routine actually work for me?  Will this phone plan work for our family?  Will this computer work for my needs?  Can we say our faith works?  We all want a faith that works, right?  We want our beliefs to be effective, to matter, to lead me to the place I was destined to be.  We want to see God act. As a Jesus follower, real faith is a faith that works!  Ahh, but now we need to read that statement differently.  Saving faith is more than a head knowledge or a heart inclination; real faith acts.  We need a faith that works.  James 2:17 says, “So[…]

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Sunday Rewind for May 7: Elisha, Part 1

Elisha:  A Tale of Ridiculous Faith Is it ridiculous to aim big?  Who wants a great life or a quality marriage?  Who wants to put all that effort into raising spectacular children?  Everyone, right?  “Give me mediocre!” demands no one ever!  I don’t no a single person who aims for mediocre.  We want great!  We want spectacular!  We hope for something worth celebrating.  We want the ridiculous. The same goes for our faith.  We want God to do something amazing in our lives.  We hope for miracles.  We crave depth and peace.  Although we may hide or deny it, deep down at our very core we yearn for God to love us and work through us.  We want a faith that matters in a God that says we[…]

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